英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:04:55
  • 双语例句

1. Well, for someone from Hong Kong, I just do not use to big place e. g. when room rings, I got to run downstair to answer it!!

2. But I bet on a porper football field we'd run rings round them.

3. Tamer: Maybe, but I bet on a proper football field we`d run rings round them!

4. Some drivers run through traffic lights for five or six seconds after the light has turned red, and it stirs them with pleasure. The cabdriver conveniently neglects to throw his flag upon arrival at your destination, and while you are paying him, an additional ten cents rings up. It seems to please him more than any other money he has made all day. The hatcheck girl has no change for a dollar.

5. run rings的反义词

5. With three handsets included and the option of adding up to three additional handsets1— all while using only one base and one phone jack — go ahead and put one in the den, the kitchen, the master bedroom and the living room so you won't have to make a run for it when the phone rings.


6. Don't run in rings, you will be uncomfortable!

7. Don't run rings in the room. It makes me dizzy.

8. run rings

8. There is control where there is management, control run through all rings of management.

9. run rings在线翻译

9. If you have enough sense to become a mental adult yourself, you can run rings around people smarter than you.

10. But in other subjects, in chemistry, for example, some of them may run rings around you.

11. Oh, we can run rings around the competition.

12. As a painter, he can run rings even round his father.

13. run rings

13. Philip is a much better player than James and can run rings round him.

14. Mentally, he can still run rings round men half his age.


15. These two women can run rings round most men in the Commons.

16. As an artist, she can run rings around her brother.

17. If you debate someone, you are likely to be so prepared that you will run rings around this person.

18. Suppose you are very good at mathematics. Then in maths you run rings around your classmates.

19. I think he would run rings around me.

20. Mentally, he can still run rings round men half his age!

Philip is a much better player than James and can run rings round him.(菲利浦是一个比詹姆斯好得多的选手,可以远远胜过他。)
Flying like a free bird: you run out of the classroom as soon as the bell rings.(像鸟一样自由飞翔:当下课铃响起的一刹那,你已跑出了教室。)
I think he would run rings around me.(我想它会让我精疲力竭的。)
Every morning I see my father run in rings in the garden.(每天早上我都看见父亲绕着花园跑步。)
The operational clearance for needle roller bearing assemblies, without inner rings, which run directly onto the shaft is determined by the tolerance field selected for an "actual" raceway.(作战间隙,无内圈滚针轴承组件,它运行到轴上直接决定选定一个“实际”的滚道的公差范围。)
I'm going to run for the bus as soon as the bell rings.(我要去铃一响,尽快公共汽车运行。)
These machines, while sometimes cumbersome, can run rings around the Cray on certain scientific problems.(这些机器(电脑)虽然有时嫌笨拙,但在某些科学问题上,胜过“克雷”倒是游刃有余。)
But in other subjects, in chemistry, for example, some of them may run rings around you.(但是在其他科目方面,例如化学,有些同学远比你强。)
Confined as it may be, Sonic and the Secret Rings works because it lets you run at breakneck speeds through great-looking, fantastical stages.(尽管可能有点缩手缩脚的样子,但是《索尼克与神秘指环》却成功了,因为她让你在充满梦幻色彩的舞台里风驰电掣的急速奔跑!)
Years of growth rings, run over the exhaustion of a year.(岁月的年轮,碾过一年的疲惫。)
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